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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  November 7, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am EST

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what are you waiting for? this is big news. what are you waiting for?
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i'll give you my script. it's probably behind a great deal of the selloff you're seeing right now. it's a script with an und undercurrent that says it's time to make changes in your portfolio. it's a script to make projections all along the way. there are always objections when a customer thinks all you're trying to do is get that transaction. generate commissions, even if you believe the trades must be
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made and the capital be allocated in a more responsible way. first, i would pick up the phone and say listen. there was a feeling on wall street in the last few weeks that obama was going to lose. that romney had decided to spend a ton of money and win pennsylvania and ohio and he already owned florida. so it's all a done deal. don't believe me? did you watch cnbc's coverage last night? republican after republican came on saying that such a scenario would play out, right up until ohio got called for the president. these people were just plain, out right sellers today. they bought in anticipation of a romney win. they sell on a romney loss. most of my investors will say oh, yeah, hey, sure. let that run its course. i'm not going to sell my gap stores for target, right or wrong. however, i would rebut that we suddenly have a new word. the head of the european central
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bank mario draghi picked today of all days to say things have worsened dramatically in europe, including germany. that means there's a new sense of urgency to fix the europeanness and we're learning to be wary of the way europeans are going about their "bailouts." here's what the client would say. wait a second. we've been through this before. why do i have to take any action? come on, that's a fool's errand. you're just trying to churn me. i, with my broker hat on again would say, okay, sure, this, too, shall pass, i guess. but now let's talk about the fiscal cliff. oh, boy, hey, i know, fiscal cliff. let me just say i would immediately roll. you can feel that through the phone. they've heard it over and over. and i'm sure many other people on the line would say hey, come on, that's got to be discounted in the market. cramer, you talk about it like
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every night. that's like five times this week you mentioned it. i would be ready with that, too. i would say boring. look at happened with the election last night. we did not solve the gridlock issue, so we will get the sequestration thing with the dramatic increase in tax on stocks. the president would say the speech was an olive branch to the other side. it's a new era. some might like to go over the cliff because such a jump would make cuts in what they might think is a blow to the defense budget raidsing taxes for wealthy people. now, even though that's an incredibly cynical interpretation of what's happening, i believe it would get the client's attention for sure. the twisted world that is washington spires a ton of
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hatred among everyone, particularly the wealthy. i think that would have softened the client up for what i regard as being a prudent reallocation of capital. not a fleeing of the market, please. i know that's how it's going to be interpreted on twitter. he said sell, sell, sell. no, not a fleeing of the market but a recommendation of some trims and tucks and recastings to stay diversified and protect gains. remember, a good broker has several responsibilities. he's got to worry about preserving your capital and he's got to give you some capital appreciation. given that you only need to get rich once, a line i use endlessly thanks to a former partner at goldman sachs, i would be putting on my capital preservation halt. which, unlike my brokerage cap, resembles more of a hard hat. no soft chapeau here. my recommended course of action? here's what i would say. first we need to take some profits in the biggest winners.
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stocks like, for example, retailers because they benefitted from the payroll tax cuts and other benefits from the government. those are going to go away, conceivab conceivably, in the new tax regiment. there will be less purchasing power. second, i would say stocks like walmart that had a huge run go up another 10%. it may still pay to sell it now than when you get over on the other side of the fiscal cliff where it might appreciate 10%. needless to say, a stock like apple is very right for this particular kind of sell call. it makes so much sense to sell it now, take the capital gain as many have huge profits here. these people who are selling are what i call natural sellers. they don't care about next year. they don't care that it could be better. they don't care that apple is cheaper. they don't care it has $100 billion in cash. they don't care about the iphone. they want to take the gain this year to get the tax break which may be worth more than any capital appreciation they hope for in 2013.
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pretty simple. third, i would say stocks that we have appreciation in with the big dividend, they're going to be less attractive. got to try to ring the cash register there too. others who might be less clued in than we are. just say i'd take some. we can revisit those stocks lower after others figure out that dividends could be lowered at twice the current rate. that's the way it was before the cuts. all right. now, here's the real run. i would never tell people to sell everything. that would be stupid. especially, if, heaven for bid, they actually rise above politics. rise above and solve the fiscal cliff before we plunge into it. i would just say hey, come on, please, raise a little cash with an emphasis on little. i would then tell my clients that we will almost immediately start to put money in working companies that will not be hurt by the fiscal cliff. it wasn't too fine a slow down
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the cliff could bring. everyone's coming down. i would tell people to avoid european risk. i would urge them to consider some gold more than ever because ben bernanke's policies generate weak dollars that won't give you the return that gold will. a tough one, sit on the cash. not going to hurt. could help. here's the bottom line. if i were still a broker, i know i would get that sale end. i know i would clinch it. the client would then thank me and we'd do the trimming just as we both wanted and do a repositioning into what's worth more now that the election is over and the fiscal cliff is, indeed, upon us. it just makes too much sense for the broker to make that call even if the clients were calcitrent. the money must only be taken out, hopefully, at a ripe, old age. let's go to jim in texas. jim! >> caller: hello, and booyah,
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jim, from the home of the afc leading houston texans. >> i like the texans here. i like them very, very much. i like that tight end. he's killing it for me. >> caller: he sure is. sunday night's game should be interesting. >> it will be nice for this stuff. i love sunday night nbc. go ahead. >> caller: yeah, i've got a two-prong question for you regarding bhc or bernak kps x. considering their successful trial outcome validating their patents against apple, what chance of success does vhc have in receiving a cease and desist order barring sales of apple products? >> i don't think that's going to happen. i think what you have to hope for vhc is either a special dividend, or deal with apple where apple pays them a royalty. that was not part of the concession. the stock was up very big today. do not be greedy, but i understand that was a righteous
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decision for the shareholders. let's go to nick in wisconsin, swing state. wisconsin, nick. >> caller: hi, jim. is pfizer's new drug going to hurt? i like their dividends. >> well, first, thank you for serving us. don't forget, we've got a big veteran's day show coming up on friday. second, every one of those stocks i like. they all do well in a fiscal cliff environment. i'm not in these stocks just for the dividend. in a slow down, you want to own these drug stocks. i'm not worried about the competition. they all have lots of irons in the fire. ely lily always looks like it's breaking down. that's when you have to buy it. mid-40s, you really have to pull the trigger. please, don't panic. fiscal cliff is now top of the mine. we don't believe that people can rise above and, for broker, it's just too easy a call to say, hey, take some profits and move on. we'll be right back. >> announcer: coming up, new
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priorities. >> bring ourselves from foreign oil. we've got more work to do. >> announcer: america's energy debate isn't stopping post-election. it's just heating up. will the desire for independence push energy service stocks like clean harbors higher, or it could crack down on fracking extinguish their flame? cramer finds out when he talks to the c.e.o. next. and, later, the election correction? the market obliterated anything romney today. cramer is rummaging through the romney rubble to find you diamonds in the rough. plus, in stable condition, the president gets another four years. and it appears obama care gets a clean bill of health. so where does that leave medical plays like opco health. tonight, cramer speaks to its c.e.o. to find out. all coming up on "mad money." >> announcer: don't miss a second of "mad money."
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follow @jimcramer on twitter. have a question? tweet kram -- cramer, #madtweets. or, give us a call at 1-800-743-cnbc. miss something? head to i was in the ambulance and i was told to call my next of kin. at 33 years old, i was having a heart attack. now i'm on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i didn't know this could happen so young. take control, talk to your doctor. we don't let frequent heartburn come between us and what we love. so if you're one of them people who gets heartburn and then treats day after day... block the acid with prilosec otc
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market has taken a serious beating today. but don't let that discourage you from trying to find winners. they're still out there. even in an awful session like this one. take clean harbor, clh, the hazardous waste disposal natural disaster cleanup play we spoke to on monday of last week after the company announced it would buy safety clean, another hazardous waste outfit, for almost $1.25 billion. that was almost ten points ago. the same time i told you with hurricane sandy approaching, clean harbors was exactly the kind of company to look at. fast forward to this morning, clean harbor a very solid quarter. good enough to send the stock up $1.90 on a hideous day. there was some weakness in the oil and gas side of things as
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the drilling hurts clean harbor because it's one of the dirtiest industries they clean up after. industrial services sell 15 percent. now, some people thought it was a little light. but none of the forecasted reflected revenues from the emergency response association with hurricane sandy. it's too early to estimate how big that business will be and how long it will last. in short, that means the possibility of these numbers. i've been a fan of clean harbors for ages and the stock is up 76 percent since i first got behind them in june, 2010. could this be the right time to get aggressive? let's talk to the chairman and ceo of clean harbors to learn more about how his company is doing in this environment and where it's headed. the stock is down -- the stock was up huge when we spoke last, but i think that's deserving of it. welcome back to the show. i'm going to ask you right now, at the top of your conference call, we currently have 500 clean harbor related personnel on the ground at a number of
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sites. tell us what clean harbors is doing with hurricane sandy. >> we're probably up to about 700 people now, jim. we're providing everything from logistics support, generators, fuel, certainly clean-up work. there's a number of facilities there that had some significant oil spills. we're working on that to help them get those facilities going back again. it's certainly anything to do with the remediation side, you know, whether it's removing hazardous waste from these properties that have damage to handling any kind of oil or chemical waste that might be part of the cleanup. it's a whole round of services here throughout the region. >> do you deal with fema or governor christie, mayor bloomberg? how does it work? >> most of the time we have contracts set up through various corporations. most of your waterside facilities have to have standby
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emergency agreements. so when the events like this happen, most of the time we will have a contract in place. periodically we get contracted directly by a state agency to do the cleanup work or from emergen engineering consulting firms. >> how do you have 700 people ready to go? >> we have a standby response group, an emergency center we man. we draw from all the locations. we have 9,000 people in our organization. so we'll draw from those 400 or so sites. but we'll also work with another of other subcontractors that we have relationships with and do routine training with us and a lot of response training. so, like, in the gulf where it was 3500 people at one time, we bring those folks in from our partners and really try to provide that necessary pool of labor when the big events happen. >> i don't want to say you guys are a monopoly, but is there
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anybody else that could handle a job this size? >> i think what really differentiates us is not only the as assets, but the people and the systems. our ability to administer these complex accounts, these complex sites, to be able to every day deliver cost information, utilization information, information about the quantity of waste that's being collected to the government agencies so they're made aware of what's going on. so i think that's what separates us from anybody else in the market. >> in the last few days, we've learned a lot about refineries. it's your third largest vertical, 13%. could this be one of your biggest verticals given all the problems we're hearing about? >> well, it's been a focus of ours. we have a pure vertical approach. we're in 145 or so refineries in north america. we're providing everything from turn around services to industrial cleanup. everything to do with emergency response work, certainly. but the refinery market is a very strong market for us.
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we continue to see big investments being made to make some of the refineries that much larger and more complex. some of the older, antiquated refineries are being shut down. we're involved in the decommissioning and cleanup of those as well. so it's a real focus of our business. >> allen, one of the things that amazed me about this quarter is your landfill business. i'm very close to waste management. they're not operating anywhere near the capacity as you are. you have 91% incineration and huge landfall numbers. where is the stuff coming from? there's not enough construction site work from waste management to fill their landfills up. >> certainly. we have 11 landfills in north america, two in canada, nine here in the u.s. a lot of that volume that we're getting into our landfills in the u.s. is from the oil and gas place, quite frankly. so our real focus to deal with drill cuttings, a lot of the drilling muds, processing waste
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on these drill sites. handling those waste back in our landfills. we're also out actively pursuing remediation projects, large events or projects that are taking care of super fund related cleanup. that's a steady pipeline of business we've been focused on. we continue to see that volume or business continue to be pretty steady and growing. >> as a staff at cnbc, we're really focused on the fiscal cliff. i know people are tired of hearing that term, but it's huge. is there super fund money that's cut automatically in 2013 because of sequestration? >> you know, the super fund hasn't really been reauthorized for years. the amount of money that's being spent directly by the government is very small. what we're working for are these prp groups, these responsible parties where they've collected moneys from people that originally sent waste to these sites.
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they've hired firms to come in and do an analysis and put together the best plan to remediate these facilities. then they contract with companies like us. we're a preferred supplier with many of those organizations that are trying to take care of those legacy problems that date back to the '50s, '60s, and '70s. >> all right. one last question in that presidential race. it was widely perceived that governor romney was very pro-fossil fuel drilling. are you concerned now that a second term epa may come in and stop fracking, which would be important, because fracking -- services fracking is part of your business. >> i certainly hope that we will come up with federal guidelines that will be consistent throughout the u.s. fracking has been in place for a long, long time. it's been very successful in cana canada. certainly it's been successful here in the u.s. the real concern, obviously, is
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not just the water side but also the emissions side, particularly that flowback water that's coming after the initial fracking. and i feel very confident that if we can get some consistent regulationings and guidelines, then we'll be able to find more services around those sites and provide that environmental service that they're looking for. i really do believe that either administration recognizes the low value of natural gas to our economy and i hope we continue that way. >> i'm glad we got to talk about safety cleans last time you were on. we didn't get to it last time because there's so much going on with sandy. congratulations on a fabulous quarter. i knew you would deliver. chairman and ceo of clean harbors. >> thanks so much, jim. >> guys, look. there are certain stories. we bring them to you last week. stocks at 50 goes to 59. do you want to chase up nine? when this stock comes in, think about the opportunities they have. most stocks do not have their expertise or opportunity.
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>> announcer: coming up, election correction. the market obliterated anything romney related today. but stick around. cramer is rummaging through the romney rubble to find you diamonds in the rough. in america today we're running to compete on the global stage. what we need are people prepared for the careers of our new economy. by 2025, we could have 20 million jobs without enough college graduates to fill them. that's why at devry university, we're teaming up with companies like cisco
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to help make sure everyone's ready with the know how we need for a new tomorrow. [ male announcer ] make sure america's ready. make sure you're ready. at ♪ if you think running a restaurant is hard,
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try running four. fortunately we've got ink. it gives us 5x the rewards on our internet, phone charges and cable, plus at office supply stores. rewards we put right back into our business. this is the only thing we've ever wanted to do and ink helps us do it. make your mark with ink from chase. they undid the romney trades today. the stocks bought by those
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who believed in a romney win, whether they wanted it or not. so the question of the day s should we pick among the romney rubble? especially among the imminent fiscal cliff. the most prominent stocks affiliated with a romney win are, alas, the exact same stocks that are most prominently in the cross hairs of the obama administration. we've seen those coal stocks go up endlessly as part of romney's promise to go for north american self-sufficient energy. remember, romney wanted to get there by drill bit. obama wants to get there via renewables. if you buy the coal stocks, you're fighting a coal-hating eta that just got four years of new life. these stocks are sells even after today. i think they still go lower. there's no safety net.
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if you insist on coal exposure because you think china is coming back, may i suggest you buy one of the rails. how about union pacific? i understand natural gas moves up a little bit when the utilities are not going to reach anymore. it may make sense to be in one of those stocks. union pacific is the best in show. i will add that union pacific has the further to fall. but it is certainly going to be the winner of the group. second, the defense stocks. double whammy. you might be buying defense stocks because of romney wanting to save the navy from sequestration. now you're most likely going to have sequestration. time to do some trimming. how about the china fashion -- bashing stocks themselves? governor romney talked about how he was going to call out china as a currency manipulator.
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it's the little red book there. lost the cover. that would have helped the commodity stocks, particularly the steels. and i say you've got to sell them. there is no relief from chinese dumping in chemicals, tires, or steel. these companies needed romney. they didn't get him. sell, sell, sell. here's oil and gas. these stocks were all trading up because people believed romney would open up more federal land for drilling. that's not going to happen now. they also believed it would bring buyers to the natural gas stocks. wrong and wrong. you should have never owned these stocks because of romney. in this case, i'm a buyer of the higher quality names in the weakness. i see no reason for oil to get further hammered here. my inclination is to look for stocks on sale in the group. if chevron gets hit more, i like that. the dividend protection isn't as good if we go over the fiscal cliff because of the rising taxes on dividends, but they represent good value in a
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resource constrained world, especially after today's $4 pasting for crude. if you thought there might be a romney-led negotiation that might keep interest rates low, you were thinking the retail stocks would keep doing well. that's a tough call because the fiscal cliff really hurts disposable income. plus, they were up so much you might want to sell them to lock in the capital gains with the lower tax rate. i think the world of costco and walmart, but i don't know if they can go up enough to justify keeping them now versus getting a lower tax on the sale. i like the apparel stocks very well. pbh. i can understand trimming them after sequestration and a fiscal cliff that raises the taxes on capital gains. those that thought romney could scrap obamacare really got whacked today. these companies are doing quite well. i'm not going to recommend selling their stocks after today's fall. i'm more willing to buy them after a couple days of selling. at the same time, i actually do
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want to sell, sell, sell the hospital stocks that ran up today off of assurety for obama care. hey, listen, that's a bad business, with or without obama. finally, there's the banks. first, i disagree that regulation is killing them, even as the banks protest greatly it is. the good ones have been able to make a ton of money. stop belly aching. especially after what happened in 2008, 2009. second, i disagree they would have done better under romney, even though employers of banks were the biggest contributors to romney. romney would have fired ben bernanke immediately. he would have cashiered him. and i think could that have caused a recession to occur rather rapidly. i think that bernanke and obama have done a good job of trying to keep us in a recession, particularly bernanke. it would mean that homes that are just emerging from their underwater status could go back and drown. that would be terrible for the banks. they have been a god send for
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getting rid of the house and lands inventory on the bank's balance sheets. i think it's more of a push issue. in this case, ultimately the tie goes to the bulls because the banks are cheap. i believe a recession will be avoided under bernanke if obama keeps bernanke. okay. enough negativity. this morning i saw an excellent interview with the ceo of carlsburg. the beer company. so i had to laugh when the ceo said the fiscal cliff means nothing to him. the rush is far more important. do you know how many stocks are in the same boat where another country is more important than the united states? soft goods, packaged good companies, think johnson and johnson. those make sense to buy, not sell, into this weakness. next, buy some gold, for heaven's sake, would you?
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come on already. romney's hard money strategy would have been a disaster for gold. bernanke's easy money means buy gold. the stuff has barely moved. get some g.o.d., please. how about some special situations? now we can get some profit taking. i can get that. the big machinery stocks being sold into china? they can be bought on weakness. here's one. talked about this last night on carl and maria show. how about cabellas? that's the outdoor sports and recreation store. stock has been trashed. sells a lot of guns. they're under great demand under obama. true. but it missed the quarter because there wasn't enough cold with weather, so they got stuck with a lot of clothing for cold weather. guess what? it's gotten real cold. we have a blizzard going here. the whole country is a little
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colder than it was. a portion of the income you receive may be exempt from taxation. even if we go over the fiscal cliff. best idea yet, how about some linco for your retirement account? still protected under the new potentially harsh regime. here's the bottom line. may too many people thought romney was going to win. they're exiting the building, leaving carnage in their path. still, as the market comes in, think about the mlps. think about some special situations and some international consumer package goods plays that will work very well in this environment. oh, please, leave the rest to others. let's go to lee in california. lee. >> caller: mr. cramer, with the election over, we definitely have to invest in our infrastructure. how will chicago bridge and iron cbi benefit from this, and is it a good player or should by look elsewhere? >> i had my world rocked by the
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floor quarter, flr. it was so hideous and horrible, i've got to stay away from the business. foster wheeler could be hurt because the clean thing is not going to get the money. i say stay away from infrastructure. >> caller: cramer, i have a question about magnum hunter resources. i purchased about 15,000 shares at 30 cents a share. that's where it's lowest was. my question is, should i hang on to it, buy more, or sell it? >> i'm not a tax accountant, i can't tell you what to do in terms of personal. but i will tell you if i had a stock that bought at 30 cents and went to $3, that's what i call a no brainer. you got hit hard today. what works now? mlps, package consumer goods? how about some johnny walker black. don't move. lightning round is coming up next. ♪
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it is time. it is time for the lightning round. and then, the lightning round is over. are you ready, ski daddy? it's time for the lightning round. why don't we start with ct in new york. >> caller: big booyah to you, jim. it's dvus. >> oh, boy. the initial numbers aren't that good. sell, sell, sell.
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do whatever you want. knock yourself out. i'll tell you to sell. let's go to warren in arizona. warren. >> caller: booyah, jim. warren in arizona. like to say, my wife nancy and i watch you every day. >> thank you. >> caller: our stalk is boardwalk empires enterprise. >> i'd say you've got horse sense. i like this stock. a lot of people worry about these mlps, i am not. i think it's a buy. let's go to mark in nevada. mark. >> caller: hi, jim. how are you today? >> real good. how about you? >> caller: not bad, other than the 300-point loss. we're about 80 degrees out here. >> you have the edge on me. go ahead. >> caller: okay. well, question on two retail stocks i don't own. jcpenney and sears, they have a lot in common. i don't understand. penney's has had a good run up in share price. they both lose money. they both have negative short sales. and, my opinion, i think their
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business mounds are a little flat, but they do own part of the real estate. are they overvalued? and the big question is what would the share price be of each company if you just base it on the value of the real estate? >> you have to believe that retail is going to really come roaring back more than it has. i want to avoid both of them. i don't think hereto -- either one is what you need. let's stay away from both of those and stick with quality. let's go to thelma in north carolina. >> caller: hi, jim. how you doing? >> all right, thelma. how about you? >> caller: i'm doing just fine. i've got an odd lot of communications. should i sell, hold, or buy? >> you've got that odd lot probably because of the verizon's bill. i want you to sell, sell, sell. raymond james had a downgrade today. it wasn't that good. i know it's $4. how much can you lose? $4. probably won't be that bad. ladies and gentlemen, that concludes the lightning round. >> announcer: coming up, in
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stable condition? the president gets another four years, and it appears obamacare gets a clean bill of health. where does that leave medical plays like opco health? tonight, cramer speaks to its ceo to find out if health care clarity makes this stock a buy. [ male announcer ] this is joe woods' first day of work. and his new boss told him two things -- cook what you love, and save your money. joe doesn't know it yet, but he'll work his way up from busser to waiter to chef before opening a restaurant specializing in fish and game from the great northwest. he'll start investing early, he'll find some good people to help guide him, and he'll set money aside from his first day of work to his last, which isn't rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade.
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on a day where the market got absolutely obliterated, i have a little speculative company that doesn't need to worry about the fiscal cliff and can go higher down the road now that we know obamacare is here to stay. i'm talking about opko, o-p-k-o health. a billion dollar company that specializes in developing diagnostic tests. don't jump all over this thing because you will lose money. opko is working on rapid tests for prostate cancer, alzheimer's and vitamin d deficiency. it could ultimately save the health care system big money by catching these diseases early and preventing expensive, unnecessary procedures. opko is only for speculation.
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it's a very risky stock. however, the company has numerous different shots on goal. right now, they're working on six different products. each of which could represent a billion dollar opportunity. if they get only half approved, this stock should still be a real winner. the company has a drug division where they're working on treatments for parkinson's, als and alzheimer's. all of these are very early stage development thrusts. i believe in management. the ceo says incredible track record over the last 30 years. he's found it and sold not one, but two key companies. both for spectacular gains, including a 6,000% win on the ivax ipo. these stories have time to develop but ultimately, have time to develop. i think he's having time with opko. he already owns 40% of the company. let's check in with dr. phillip
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frost and find out more about where his company is headed. welcome back to "mad money." >> thank you. good to be here. >> i spent the last two hours trying to figure out if i should start with the prostate or vitamin d or alzheimer's or the work you're doing to make it so that you're less nauseous with chemo. why don't you tell me? each one i'm sounding so excited i didn't want to slight one of them. >> very good. so, first of all, so far as the vitamin d is concerned, that's a work in progress. remember the card that i showed you last time? i still have one with me. that is a point of care test. now, the vitamin d market in this country is approximately $2.5 billion. there were 70 million tests done last year. let's be conservative and call it 50 million and $50 a test, that's a $2.5 billion market. we think we have a good chance to capture part of it because of our new business model with this
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card. the point is that this is done in the doctor's office so the doctor can make some money rather than the laboratory that's now getting all the benefit. but, today, i'd rather dwell on a test that deals with the very issue that you mentioned. saving a lot of money. and this gets back to the prostate. we now have a new technology that we refer to as the 4-k score. it involves four markers in an algorithm and you wind up with a number. this test can be done with a simple drop of blood and the number that you get is an indicator of whether a man has prostate cancer and whether it's of the aggressive type or slow-growing variety. >> we already have one. we have psa -- >> but the psa is highly inaccurate. and the point is this would be done for men who have an elevated psa and that occurs in
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5% of the men. now, there are 30 million psas done in a year so roughly between 1 and 1 1/2 million biopsies. 70% has been shown to be negative. there's a lot of effort and pain going into these needless biopsies, not to mention costs. with a million of those, you end up with a $5 billion cost. -- $5,000 cost. with a million of those, you wind up with a $5 billion cost. we think we can eliminate half of those if you do the 4-k score on only the men who have an elevated psa. not only do you save the $2.5 million on the actual cost, but we save the grief from all the side effects, some of which can be fatal, such as severe septicemia. and to prove that, we just went ahead and bought a laboratory in
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memphis, tennessee, that specializes in doing tests for urologists. they do both pathology and chemistry. what we're going to do is put this 4-k test in their labs and you can do a laboratory-developed test, which we will do. we can be on the market within months. the market for that, you can imagine. >> this is a 2013 product, right? >> it could be very early 2013, yes. >> that would be real revenues p. >> by the way, it's already on the market in the u.k. we just introduced it a month ago or so. now we're going to have all of our subsidiaries start to market in those locations. so this is a major effort on our behalf now. >> doc, unfortunately, i've got to go. i want to very quickly say you keep buying stock, don't you? >> i do.
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>> you just believe in it. you believe in yourself and you believe in it. >> i surely do. >> all right. thank you so much. chairman and ceo of opko health. thank you for making my old hedge fund a lot of money. great to see you. >> my pleasure. >> okay. dr. frost, look, opk. again, speculative, speculative, speculative. i don't want you to say wait a second, nothing happened in the last 48 hours. why did it go down? this is longer term speculation. "mad money" is back. >> announcer: coming up, how do your stocks stack up in this mystifying market? cramer makes sure your portfolio makes the grade on "am i diversified."
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well, last night's election may have alleviated one area of confusion for the market. there exists a large amount, a mound of uncertainty between fears over the fiscal cliff and concerns over how we plan to solve the gridlock issue. today's steep drop reminds us that nothing is certain. it's your job to protect your profits and protect your portfolio. i'm here to help. so you call me and say if your portfolio is diversified enough. let's start with karen in texas. karen? >> caller: hey, jim, booyah, booyah, all of our troops. >> booyah. >> caller: my companies are, let's see here, rht, red hat, hpq, panera, pnra, atw and sony,
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s&e. >> wow, okay. oh, boy. all right. wow. anyway, sony is a not-great entertainment. you've got to sell sony. you've got to sell it, whether it's diversified or not. deep will drilling, i like that. red hat, we know that as a technology company. hewlett-packard, no, no, no. we're going to keep the red hat. get rid of hewlett-packard. we're going to go with bristol-myers. we're going to get rid of sony. instead, what we'll do is we'll buy some caterpillar. get a little industrial in here. that will do. let's go to bob in new jersey. how are you doing, bob? >> caller: hey, cramer. how are you?
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>> not bad. >> caller: i have five stocks i want to ask you about. exxon mobile, sirius satellite, biomed realty, bmr. kimko realty and mcdonalds, mcd. >> this is tough. i look immediately that these two real estate investment trusts, one is realitied to medical, and one is related to shopping centers. i'm going to let that slide. purists are going to get mad at me but i like the yield. sirius is good speculation. obviously, we're going to miss mel. exon, no one ever got if trouble by exxon. that's the wrap. restaurant, oil and gas, speck, health real estate, shopping center real estate. i'm going to bless it. maybe i'm just in a forgiving
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mood after an all-nighter. stay with cramer. uh, i'm in a timeout because apparently riding the dog like it's a small horse is frowned upon in this establishment! luckily though, ya know, i conceal this bad boy underneath my blanket just so i can get on e-trade. check my investment portfolio, research stocks...
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i see you're back. okay. qualcomm, we look at quarter after the bell. it's nice to see some technology stoco


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